Monday, January 17, 2011


Since We are born, and in order to comprehend our surroundings and understand what is happening around us, We need to ask questions. Some of them are solvable, some are not. It is normal to want to find the truth and try to answer those which have not been responded. However, there are questions that just keep being repeated every second:
what, when, how come, where, why...?
are we there yet?
do you work or do you study?

In fashion, there is always the same concern:
what are the colours trends for next season?


Every season returns, but this 2011 is massive. It comes in 3 different styles: feminine-naive, futuristic shaped, or very simple and plain.


You will not have to worry about picking the right red, all of them are allowed! from the very orangish to the darkest one.


The rival citrics, this summer designers have a fruity taste,  among all the vivid colours, this two are the main stars. Be optimistic.


It came last year when the palette of Avatar amazed us, this year is not about the tones, but how to combine It.


Surprisingly this strong blue, has replaced the navy blue (T.G...). Do not be afraid of combining it, neutral colours are not the only possibility!

Black & White

I have treated them as one, because after all this years, they have fused with each other. You might thing, AGAIN?! Well, I thought the same, but then I did admit: It is breathtaking.

Camel (& earth tones)

This winter they introduced beige-camel as the new black. We normally associate it with the cold weather, but it has become so essential that is a MUST also in spring/summer.

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